New Residents

If you are a new resident in Waverly Park, please email the following information to the Waverly Park Press.

  • Your names and address
  • Phone numbers
  • Children’s names and dates of birth (DOB info is not published but is used to calculate ages for the directory.)

This information is used to provide WPHA homeowners and residents with …

  • Official and informational Association mailings and Emailings,
  • Annual publication of the Waverly Park Directory, and
  • Waverly Park Press Extra via e-mail (Your e-mail address is not displayed.)

Join the  Waverly Park Homeowners Facebook Group to keep up with the latest news and events.

Access to the Waverly Park Pool is via keycard. If the previous owner/resident of your house did not leave the keycard, please send an email to the Waverly Park Board of Directors.

Thanks and welcome to the neighborhood!