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Covenants Note:  Lazega & Johanson, attorneys at law, determined that the WPHA Covenants auto-renew in compliance with Section 44-5-60(d)(1) of the Georgia Code which revises the renewal of HOA Covenants to be auto-renewing. The WPHA Covenants auto-renewed in November 2015 for an additional 20 year period.

(Documents marked with # are word searchable.)

Board of Directors Resolutions and Other Documents

Board of Directors Resolutions:

  1. Architectural Committee (7/16/2000)#
  2. Architectural Committee (7/16/2000)#
  3. Common Area Rules (9/16/2001) – Replaced by Resolution 2005-02
  4. Board Terms (11/11/2001)#
  5. 2002 Budget (1/20/2002)
  6. Voting and Other Rights Suspended (3/10/2002)#
  7. Delinquent Assessments Enforcement Timetable – Replaced by Resolution 2018-01
  8. 2003 Budget (12/31/2002)
  9. 2004 Budget (1/15/04)

Beginning in 2005, resolutions are numbered sequentially with a year prefix.

Other Documents:

  • Pending